Generalized Anxiety Disorder

You’re about to dive into the world of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a condition far more intense than everyday nervousness. As you delve deeper, you’ll explore the symptoms, causes, and treatments of this constant, overwhelming worry. You’ll also discover strategies to empower those with GAD to lead balanced lives. Whether you’re seeking understanding, coping mechanisms, … Read more

Managing a Panic Attack at Work

Overview of Panic Attacks at Work Panic attacks at work can be both distressing and debilitating for individuals who experience them. These intense episodes of overwhelming fear and anxiety can occur suddenly and without warning, making it challenging for employees to carry out their responsibilities effectively. Panic attacks can manifest through a combination of physical … Read more

Burnout: Symptoms, Risk Factors, Prevention, Treatment

What is burnout? Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress and overwhelming responsibilities. It occurs when the demands placed on an individual exceed their ability to cope with them effectively. Burnout can affect anyone, regardless of their profession or personal circumstances. Individuals experiencing burnout often feel drained and … Read more

Can Atrial Fibrillation Be Caused by Anxiety?

Understanding Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation, commonly known as AFib, is a heart rhythm disorder that causes an irregular and often rapid heartbeat. The condition can lead to heart-related complications, including stroke and heart failure, making it a serious health concern. Definition and Symptoms of Atrial Fibrillation According to the American Heart Association, AFib is characterized by a quivering or … Read more

Panic Attack – What is It And How to Avoid It

Panic Attack Overview A panic attack can creep on you suddenly and can be a truly terrifying experience, especially if you have never had one before. It is a sudden onset of a strong wave of fear which triggers an instinctive “fight or flight” response of the body. Panic attacks can cause severe physical reactions, … Read more